Assignment mechanism with Noncompliers


  • So far, we have assumed that the assignment of treatment implied the receipt of treatment.
    • Prescribing drug means that the subject takes the drug.
  • However, there are many cases in which a subject assigned to treatment does not receive the treatment.
    • Supplied supplements on infant mortality to a village but some of the villagers could not receive the supplements.
  • Moreover, there may be cases where subjects not assigned to treatment may receive the treatment.
    • Men who were not drafted to the Vietnam War volunteered.
  • Subjects whose treatment receipt status differs from treatment assignment status are called noncompliers.

Intention-to-treat (ITT) and treatment effect

  • This problem arises regardless of whether experimental or observational.
  • If the treatment was randomly assigned, the average effect of assignment treatment can be estimated.
  • However, if there are noncompliers, this can differ from the average effect of receiving treatment.
  • The former is called intention-to-treat (ITT) effect and is distinguished from the latter.
  • ITT effects are informative, but may not be robust to the changes in the compliance behaviors.
  • In other situations, people’s compliance behavior can be different and hence the ITT may change even if the treatment effect is invariant.

Potential treatment receipt status

  • To describe this situation, we introduce variables representing treatment assignment and treatment receipt status.
  • Treatment assignment status: \(Z_i\) takes value \(1\) if assigned and \(0\) otherwise.
  • Treatment receipt status: \(W_i^{obs}\) takes value \(1\) if received and \(0\) otherwise.
  • The key is that individual treatment receipt status is a function of the individual’s treatment assignment status.
    • A subject may never take the treatment, or always take.
    • A subject may take the treatment only when assigned treatment, or only when not assigned.
  • This relation is described by the following potential outcome model: \[ W_i^{obs} = W_i(Z_i) = \begin{cases} W_i(0) & \text{ if } Z_i = 0\\ W_i(1) & \text{ if } Z_i = 1. \end{cases} \]

Observed and missing treatment status

  • We can observe \(W_i(Z_i)\), the treatment receipt status under the observed treatment assignment status.
  • However, we never observe \(W_i(1 - Z_i)\), the treatment receipt status under the missing treatment assignment status.

Extension of the potential outcome model

  • The potential outcome is now a function of both treatment assignment and receipt status. \[ Y_i^{obs} = Y_i(Z_i, W_i). \]
  • We observe: \[ Y_i[Z_i, W_i(Z_i)] = Y_i[1, W_i(1)], Y_i[0, W_i(0)]. \]
  • However, we never observe: \[ Y_i[Z_i, W_i(1 - Z_i)] = Y_i[1, W_i(0)], Y_i[0, W_i(1)]. \]

Random assignment of \(Z_i\)

  • We still assume that the treatment assignment is random.
  • This is true in randomized experiments.
  • We have to justify this in observational studies.
  • Assumption: Random assignment of \(Z_i\) \[ \mathbb{P}[Z_i = 1 | W_i(0), W_i(1), Y_i(0, 0), Y_i(0, 1), Y_i(1, 0), Y_i(1, 1)] = \mathbb{P}(Z_i = 1). \]


  • The subsample sizes by treatment assignment status: \[ N_0 \equiv \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - Z_i), N_1 \equiv \sum_{i = 1}^N Z_i. \]
  • The subsample sizes by treatment receipt status: \[ N_c \equiv \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - W_i^{obs}), N_t \equiv \sum_{i = 1}^N W_i^{obs}. \]


  • The subsample sizes by both treatment assignment and receipt status: \[ N_{0c} \equiv \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - Z_i) \cdot (1 - W_i^{obs}), N_{0t} \equiv \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - Z_i) \cdot W_i^{obs}. \] \[ N_{1c} \equiv \sum_{i = 1}^N Z_i \cdot (1 - W_i^{obs}), N_{1t} \equiv \sum_{i = 1}^N Z_i \cdot W_i^{obs}. \]


  • The average outcomes by treatment assignment status: \[ \overline{Y}_0^{obs} \equiv \frac{1}{N_0} \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - Z_i) \cdot Y_i^{obs}, \overline{Y}_1^{obs} \equiv \frac{1}{N_1} \sum_{i = 1}^N Z_i \cdot Y_i^{obs}. \]

  • The average treatment receipt by treatment assignment status: \[ \overline{W}_0^{obs} \equiv \frac{1}{N_0} \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - Z_i) \cdot W_i^{obs}, \overline{W}_1^{obs} \equiv \frac{1}{N_1} \sum_{i = 1}^N Z_i \cdot W_i^{obs}. \]


  • The average outcomes by treatment receipt status: \[ \overline{Y}_c^{obs} \equiv \frac{1}{N_c} \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - W_i^{obs}) \cdot Y_i^{obs}, \overline{Y}_t^{obs} \equiv \frac{1}{N_t} \sum_{i = 1}^N W_i^{obs} \cdot Y_i^{obs}. \]


  • The average outcomes by both treatment assignment and receipt status: \[ \overline{Y}_{0c}^{obs} \equiv \frac{1}{N_{0c}} \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - Z_i) \cdot (1 - W_i^{obs}) \cdot Y_i^{obs}. \] \[ \overline{Y}_{0t}^{obs} \equiv \frac{1}{N_{0t}} \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - Z_i) \cdot W_i^{obs} \cdot Y_i^{obs}. \] \[ \overline{Y}_{1c}^{obs} \equiv \frac{1}{N_{1c}} \sum_{i = 1}^N Z_i \cdot (1 - W_i^{obs}) \cdot Y_i^{obs}. \] \[ \overline{Y}_{1t}^{obs} \equiv \frac{1}{N_{1t}} \sum_{i = 1}^N Z_i \cdot W_i^{obs} \cdot Y_i^{obs}. \]

One-sided noncompliers

One-sided noncompliers

  • Assume that subject never receives treatment unless assigned treatment: \[ W_i(0) = 0, \forall i. \]
  • This holds in most of experiment: subjects will not take new supplements if not supplied.

Compliance status

  • Subjects are divided into latent compliance status according to their value of \(W_i(z)\). \[ G_i \equiv \begin{cases} \text{co if } W_i(1) = 1 \\ \text{nc if } W_i(1) = 0. \end{cases} \]

  • Underlying compliance status: Table 23.2 of Imbens and Rubin (2015)

\(Z_i = 0\) \(Z_i = 1\)
\(W_i^{obs} = 0\) nc or co nc
\(W_i^{obs} = 1\) - co

Compliance status share

  • The subsample sizes of compliers and noncompliers \[ N_{co} \equiv \sum_{i = 1}^N 1_{G_i = co}, N_{nc} \equiv \sum_{i = 1}^N 1_{G_i = nc}. \]
  • The sample fractions of compliers and noncompliers \[ \pi_{co} \equiv \frac{N_{co}}{N}, \pi_{nt} \equiv \frac{N_{nc}}{N} = 1 - \pi_{co}. \]

Estimate ITT effect for the receipt of treatment

  • The ITT for the receipt of treatment: \[ ITT_W \equiv \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N[W_i(1) - W_i(0)], \] can be estimated unbiasedly by the average difference in treatment status: \[ \widehat{ITT}_W \equiv \overline{W}_1^{obs} - \overline{W}_0^{obs} = \overline{W}_1^{obs}. \]
  • The standard error is also estimated by: \[ \widehat{\mathbb{V}}(\widehat{ITT}_W) \equiv \frac{s_{W, 0}^2}{N_0} + \frac{s_{W, 1}^2}{N_1}. \]

Estimate ITT effect for the outcome

  • The ITT for the outcome: \[ ITT_Y \equiv \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N\{Y_i[1, W_i(1)] - Y_i[0, W_i(0)]\}, \] can be estimated unbiasedly by the average difference in treatment status: \[ \widehat{ITT}_Y \equiv \overline{Y}_1^{obs} - \overline{Y}_0^{obs}. \]
  • The standard error is also estimated by: \[ \widehat{\mathbb{V}}(\widehat{ITT}_Y) \equiv \frac{s_{Y, 0}^2}{N_0} + \frac{s_{Y, 1}^2}{N_1}. \]

Decomposing \(ITT_Y\)

  • Using the ITT effect for the outcome by compliance status: \[ ITT_{Y, co} \equiv \frac{1}{N_{co}} \sum_{i = 1: G_i = co}\{Y_i[1, W_i(1)] - Y_i[0, W_i(0)]\}, \] and: \[ ITT_{Y, nc} \equiv \frac{1}{N_{nc}} \sum_{i = 1: G_i = nc}\{Y_i[1, W_i(1)] - Y_i[0, W_i(0)]\}, \] we can decompose \(ITT_Y\) as: \[ ITT_Y = ITT_{Y, co} \cdot ITT_W + ITT_{Y, nc} \cdot (1 - ITT_W). \]

Unidentification of \(ITT_{Y, co}\) and \(ITT_{Y, nc}\)

  • We cannot identify \(ITT_{Y, co}\) and \(ITT_{Y, nc}\) because we do not know the compliance status of each subject and hence we cannot condition the data on the compliance data.
  • \(ITT_{Y, no}\) is not informative, because they never receive the treatment, irrespective of the assignment.
  • \(ITT_{Y, co}\) is informative, because this compares the outcome when the treatment is received and not.
  • Then, under what kind of additional assumptions, can we identify \(ITT_{Y, co}\)?

Latent unconfoundedness

  • Randomized experiment ensures that the unconfoundedness of \(Z_i\), but not \(W_i^{obs}\)
  • However, randomized experiment at least ensures the latent unconfoundedness of \(W_i^{obs}\).
  • Lemma: Latent unconfoundedness of \(W_i^{obs}\)
    • The random assignment of \(Z_i\) implies for \(g \in G\): \[ \begin{split} &\mathbb{P}[W_i^{obs} = 1 | Y_i(0, 0), Y_i(0, 1), Y_i(1, 0), Y_i(1, 1), G_i = g]\\ &= \mathbb{P}(W_i^{obs} = 1 | G_i = g). \end{split} \]
  • For \(g = nc\), \(W_i^{obs}\) is always \(0\). Therefore, the equation trivially holds
  • For \(g = co\), \(W_i^{obs} = Z_i\). Therefore, the random assignment of \(Z_i\) implies the unconfoundedness of \(W_i^{obs}\) for compliers.

Exclusion restriction for noncompliers

  • Assumption : Exclusion restriction for noncompliers
    • For all noncompliers: \[ Y_i(0, 0) = Y_i(1, 0). \]
  • This rules out that an effect of the assignment on the outcome for noncompliers.
  • The random assignment of \(Z_i\) does not justify this assumption.
  • This is a substantive assumption to be justified by the contextual knowledge.
  • For example, the double blinding makes subjects unaware of the treatment assignment, and hence may justify this assumption if nicely implemented.

Exclusion restriction for compliers

  • The exclusion restriction for noncompliers is necessary for identifying \(ITT_{Y, co}\).
  • The following assumption of exclusion restriction for compliers is not necessary, but only changes the interpretation of \(ITT_{Y, co}\):
  • Assumption: Exclusion restriction for compliers:
    • For all compliers, for \(w = 0, 1\): \[ Y_i(0, w) = Y_i(1, w) \equiv Y_i^*(w). \]
  • If this assumption holds: \[ ITT_{Y, co} = \frac{1}{N_{co}} \sum_{i = 1: G_i = co}\{Y_i^*(1) - Y_i^*(0)\}, \] which is purely the effect of changing the treatment receipt status.

Identifying \(ITT_{Y, co}\)

  • The exclusion restriction for noncompliers implies: \[ ITT_{Y, nc} \equiv \frac{1}{N_{nc}} \sum_{i = 1: G_i = nc}\{Y_i[1, W_i(1)] - Y_i[0, W_i(0)]\} = 0. \]
  • Therefore: \[ ITT_Y = ITT_{Y, co} \cdot ITT_W + ITT_{Y, nc} \cdot (1 - ITT_W) = ITT_{Y, co} \cdot ITT_W, \] and so: \[ ITT_{Y, co} = \frac{ITT_Y}{ITT_W}. \]
  • We call this the local average treatment effect (LATE) or complier average causal effect (CECE), \(\tau_{late}\).

Moment-based estimator for \(\tau_{late}\)

  • Because we have \(\widehat{ITT}_Y\) and \(\widehat{ITT}_W\), we can estiamte \(\tau_{late}\) by: \[ \widehat{ITT}_{late} \equiv \frac{\widehat{ITT}_Y}{\widehat{ITT}_W}. \]
  • The sampling variance is: \[ \begin{split} \mathbb{V}(\widehat{ITT}_{late}) &= \frac{1}{ITT_W^2} \cdot \mathbb{V}(\widehat{ITT}_Y) + \frac{ITT_Y^2}{ITT_W^4} \cdot \mathbb{V}(\widehat{ITT}_W) \\ &- 2 \cdot \frac{ITT_Y}{ITT_W^3} \cdot \mathbb{C}(\widehat{ITT}_Y, \widehat{ITT}_W). \end{split} \]
  • We can replace with the sample analogues. However, it can by a poor approximation when \(ITT_W\) is close to 0.

Connection to the instrumental variable (IV) estimator

  • Take the infinite super-population perspective.
  • Define: \[ \tau_{late} = \mathbb{E}[Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)| G_i = co], \] \[ \alpha \equiv \mathbb{E}[Y_i(0)], \] \[ \nu_i \equiv Y_i(1) - Y_i(0) - \tau_{late}, \] \[ \epsilon_i \equiv Y_i(0) - \alpha. \]

Structural equation

  • Then, we have a structural equation: \[ Y_i(w) = \alpha + \tau_{late} \cdot w + \epsilon_i + w \cdot \nu_i. \]
  • Then, for observations, we have: \[ Y_i^{obs} = Y_i(W_i^{obs}) = \alpha + \tau_{late} \cdot W_i^{obs} + \epsilon_i + W_i^{obs} \cdot \nu_i. \]
  • The OLS estimator does not consistently estimate \(\tau_{late}\), because \(\epsilon_i + W_i^{obs} \cdot \nu_i\) is potentially correlated with \(W_i^{obs}\).

Conditionam mean zero

  • Because of the random assignment of \(Z_i\), we have: \[ \mathbb{E}[\epsilon_i|Z_i] = \mathbb{E}[Y_i(0)|Z_i] - \mathbb{E}[Y_i(0)] = \mathbb{E}[Y_i(0)] - \mathbb{E}[Y_i(0)] = 0. \]
  • The one-sided compliance implies: \[ \mathbb{E}[W_i^{obs} \cdot \nu_i| Z_i = 0] = \mathbb{E}[0 \cdot \nu_i| Z_i = 0] = 1. \]

Conditional mean zero

  • Moreover, the one-sided noncompliers and the random assignment of \(Z_i\) implies: \[ \begin{split} &\mathbb{E}[W_i^{obs} \cdot \nu_i| Z_i = 1]\\ &= \mathbb{E}[0 \cdot \nu_i | Z_i = 1, W_i = 0] \mathbb{P}(W_i^{obs} = 0| Z_i = 1)\\ &+ \mathbb{E}[1 \cdot \nu_i | Z_i = 1, W_i = 1] \mathbb{P}(W_i^{obs} = 1 | Z_i = 1)\\ &= \mathbb{E}[\nu_i | Z_i = 1, W_i^{obs} = 1, G_i = co] \pi_{co}\\ &= \mathbb{E}[Y_i(1) - Y_i(0) - \tau_{late} | Z_i = 1, G_i = co] \pi_{co}\\ &= \mathbb{E}[Y_i(1) - Y_i(0) - \tau_{late} | G_i = co] \pi_{co}\\ &= 0. \end{split} \]
  • Therefore, we have the conditional mean zero property: \[ \mathbb{E}[\epsilon_i + W_i^{obs} \cdot \nu_i| Z_i] = 0. \]

Reduced-form equation

  • We can rewrite the structural equation as: \[ \begin{split} Y_i^{obs} &= \alpha + \tau_{late} \cdot \mathbb{E}[W_i^{obs}|Z_i] - \tau_{late} \cdot \mathbb{E}[W_i^{obs}|Z_i] + \tau_{late} \cdot W_i^{obs}\\ &+ \epsilon_i + W_i^{obs} \cdot \nu_i\\ &= \alpha + \tau_{late} \cdot \mathbb{E}[W_i^{obs}|Z_i] + \eta_i \\ &= \alpha + \tau_{late} \cdot \{\pi_0 + \pi_1 \cdot Z_i \} + \eta_i,\\ &= \alpha + \tau_{late} \cdot \{\pi_0 + \pi_1 \cdot Z_i \} + \eta_i, \end{split} \] where: \[ \pi_0 \equiv \mathbb{E}[W_i^{obs}|Z_i = 0] = 0, \] \[ \pi_1 \equiv \mathbb{E}[W_i^{obs}|Z_i = 1] - \mathbb{E}[W_i^{obs}|Z_i = 0] = \mathbb{E}[W_i^{obs}|Z_i = 1] = \pi_{co}. \] under the one-sided noncompliers.

Reduced-form equation

  • Therefore, we have the reduced-form equation: \[ Y_i^{obs} = \alpha + \gamma \cdot Z_i + \eta_i, \gamma \equiv \pi_{co} \cdot \tau_{late}. \]
  • We know: \[ \hat{\gamma}_{ols} = \overline{Y}_1^{obs} - \overline{Y}_0^{obs} = \widehat{ITT}_Y. \]
  • Therefore, the instrumental variable estimator for \(\tau_{late}\), which is \(\hat{\gamma}_{ols}/\hat{\pi}_{co}\), is numerically the same with \(\widehat{ITT}_{Y, co}\).

Two-sided noncompliers

Generalize compliance behaviors

  • In experiments, we may be able to ensure that subjects who are not assigned treatmet do not receives treatment.
  • However, especially in observational studies, subjects may voluntarily take treatment, even if assigned treatment.
  • In such a situation, we need to generalize the compliance status.

Compliance status

  • We consider 4 compliance status: Allways takers, never takers, compliers, and defiers. \[ G_i = \begin{cases} nt &\text{ if } W_i(0) = 0, W_i(1) = 0,\\ co &\text{ if } W_i(0) = 0, W_i(1) = 1,\\ df &\text{ if } W_i(0) = 1, W_i(1) = 0,\\ at &\text{ if } W_i(0) = 1, W_i(1) = 1. \end{cases} \]

Underlying compliance status

  • The are two underlying compliance status for each pair of \(Z_i\) and \(W_i^{obs}\): Table 24.3 of Imbens and Rubin (2015)
\(Z_i = 0\) \(Z_i = 1\)
\(W_i^{obs} = 0\) nt/co nt/df
\(W_i^{obs} = 1\) at/df at/co

ITT effects

  • The ITT analysis is unchanged with the two-sided compliers

Decomposing \(ITT_Y\)

  • With the two-sided noncompliers, \(ITT_Y\) is a mixture of ITT effects of 4 compliance status. \[ \begin{split} ITT_Y &= ITT_{Y, nt} \cdot \pi_{nt} + ITT_{Y, co} \cdot \pi_{co} \\ &+ ITT_{Y, df} \cdot \pi_{df} + ITT_{Y, at} \cdot \pi_{at}. \end{split} \]

Exclusion restrictions for nevertakers and alwaystakers

  • Assumption: Exclusion restriction for nevertakers
    • For all nevertakers: \[ Y_i(0, 0) = Y_i(1, 0). \]
  • Assumption: Exclusion restriction for alwaystakers
    • For all alwaystakers: \[ Y_i(0, 1) = Y_i(1, 1). \]

Implications for \(ITT_{Y, nt}\) and \(ITT_{Y, at}\)

\[ \begin{split} ITT_{Y, nt} & = \frac{1}{N_{nt}} \sum_{i: G_i = nt}\{Y_i[1, W_i(1)] - Y_i[0, W_i(0)] \}\\ &=\frac{1}{N_{nt}} \sum_{i: G_i = nt}\{Y_i(1, 0) - Y_i(0, 0) \}\\ &=0. \end{split} \]

\[ \begin{split} ITT_{Y, at} & = \frac{1}{N_{at}} \sum_{i: G_i = at}\{Y_i[1, W_i(1)] - Y_i[0, W_i(0)] \}\\ &=\frac{1}{N_{at}} \sum_{i: G_i = at}\{Y_i(1, 1) - Y_i(0, 1) \}\\ &=0. \end{split} \] - Therefore, \(ITT_Y\) is a mixture of compliers and defiers.


  • Moreover, we assume there are no defiers.
  • This is a substantive assumption that needs to be justified from the contextual knowledge.
  • For example, suppose that:
    • \(Z_i\): draft to the Vietnam war.
    • \(W_i^{obs}\): go to the Vietnam war.
    • Compliers: goes to the Vietnam war if drafted, while does not if not drafted.
    • Defiers: volunteers to the Vietnam war if not drafted, while does not go if drafted.
  • Formally:
  • Asumption: Monotonicity
    • For all subjects \(W_i(1) \ge W_i(0)\).

Identification of \(ITT_{Y, co}\)

  • Under the exclusion restriction for nevertakes, alwaystakers, and the monotonicity, we have: \[ ITT_Y = ITT_{Y, co} \cdot \pi_{co}. \]
  • Moreover: \[ \begin{split} ITT_W &= \mathbb{E}[W_i(1) - W_i(0)| G_i = nt] \cdot \pi_{nt}\\ &+ \mathbb{E}[W_i(1) - W_i(0)| G_i = at] \cdot \pi_{at}\\ &+ \mathbb{E}[W_i(1) - W_i(0)| G_i = co] \cdot \pi_{co}\\ &+ \mathbb{E}[W_i(1) - W_i(0)| G_i = df] \cdot \pi_{df}\\ &=\pi_{co}. \end{split} \]

Identification of \(ITT_{Y, co}\)

  • Therefore, \(ITT_{Y, co}\) is identified as: \[ ITT_{Y, co} = \frac{ITT_Y}{ITT_W}. \]

Estimation and inference

  • The estimation and inference is, therefore, the same as the one-sided noncompliers.
  • The connection to the instrumental variable estimation is the same as well.

Multi-value instrumental variables

Generalizing the instrumental variable

  • The treatment assignment \(Z\) is often interpreted as the instrumental variable in econometrics.
  • In econometrics, we often use multi-valued or even continuous variable instead of a binary variable as \(Z\).
  • How do we generalize the LATE to the multi-valued instrumental variables?

Potential outcome and structural selection model

  • Consider the following framework: \[ Y(1) = \mu_1(X) + U_1, \] \[ Y(0) = \mu_0(X) + U_0, \] \[ D = 1\{\mu_D(Z, X) \ge V\}. \]
  • We observe \(Y^{obs} = Y(1) \cdot D + Y(0) \cdot (1 - D)\).

About the additive separability

  • Note that the additive separability of the potential outcome is without loss of generality, because if: \[ Y(1) = \tilde{\mu}_1(X, \tilde{U}_1), \] we can redefine: \[ \mu_1(X) \equiv \mathbb{E}[\tilde{\mu}_1(X, \tilde{U}_1)|X], \] and: \[ U_1 \equiv Y(1) - \mathbb{E}[\tilde{\mu}_1(X, \tilde{U}_1)|X]. \]


  1. Instrument independence: \((U_1, U_0, V) \perp \!\!\! \perp Z | X\).
  2. Exclusion restriction: \(\mu_D(Z, X)\) has a non-degenerate distribution given \(X\).
  3. Scalar \(V\) is continuously distributed.
  4. \(\mathbb{E}[|Y(1)|]\) and \(\mathbb{E}[|Y(0)|]\) are finite.
  5. \(0 < \mathbb{P}[D = 1| X] < 1\).
  • Vytlacil (2002) showed that these assumptions are equivalent to the identifying assumptions for LATE.
  • In particular, the threshold crossing selection equation with scalar \(V\) can be interpreted as the monotonicity assumption.

Propensity score

  • Under the first assumption, the propensity score can be written as: \[ \begin{split} e(z, x) &\equiv \mathbb{P}(D = 1 | z, x) \\ &= \mathbb{P}[V \le \mu_D(z, x) | z, x]\\ &= \mathbb{P}\{F_{V|X}(V|x) \le F_{V|X}[\mu_D(z, x)|x]|z, x\}\\ &= \mathbb{P}\{U_D \le F_{V|X}[\mu_D(z, x)|x]|z, x\}, U_D|X \sim U[0, 1]\\ &= F_{V|X}[\mu_D(z, x)|x]. \end{split} \]
  • Then, under the third assumption, we have: \[ D =1\{e(Z, X) \ge U_D\}, U_D|X \sim U[0, 1]. \]

Marginal treatment effect

  • In this framework, define the marginal treatment effect (MTE) as follows: \[ \tau_{mte}(x, u_D) \equiv \mathbb{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)| X = x, U_D = u_D], \] as a function of \((x, u_D)\).
  • We can define the other estimands such as the average treatment effect and local average treatment effect as a function of the marginal treatment effects.

LATE as a function of MTEs

  • For example, we can write LATE as: \[ \begin{split} \tau_{late}(x) &= \mathbb{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)| X = x, G = co]\\ &= \mathbb{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)| X = x, D(z) = 1, D(z') = 0]\\ &= \mathbb{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)| X = x, U_D \le e(z, x), U_D \ge e(z', x)]\\ &=\frac{1}{e(z, x) - e(z', x)} \int_{e(z', x)}^{e(z, x)} \tau_{mte}(x, u_D) du_D. \end{split} \]

Local IV estimand

  • We define the local IV (LIV) estimand as: \[ \tau_{liv}(x, e) \equiv \frac{\partial}{\partial e}\mathbb{E}[Y|X = x, e(Z, x) = e]. \]
  • We can nonparametrically estimate LIV \(\tau_{liv}(x, e)\) at every \(e\) in the support of the conditional distribution of \(e(Z, X)\) given \(X = x\).

LIV identifies MTE

\[ \begin{split} \mathbb{E}[Y|e(Z) = e] &= \mathbb{E}[Y(0)| e(z) = e]\\ &+ \mathbb{E}\{D\cdot[Y(1) - Y(0)]| e(z) = e\} \\ &= \mathbb{E}[Y(0)| e(z) = e]\\ &+ \mathbb{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)| D = 1, e(z) = e] \cdot \mathbb{P}[D = 1|e(z) = e]\\ &= \mathbb{E}[Y(0)| e(z) = e] + \mathbb{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)| D = 1, e(z) = e] \cdot e\\ &= \mathbb{E}[Y(0)] + \mathbb{E}[Y(1) - Y(0)| D = 1, e(z) = e] \cdot e\\ &= \mathbb{E}[Y(0)] + (\mu_1 - \mu_0) \cdot e\\ &+ \mathbb{E}[U_1 - U_0| D = 1, e(z) = e] \cdot e\\ &= \mathbb{E}[Y(0)] + (\mu_1 - \mu_0) \cdot e + \mathbb{E}[U_1 - U_0| U_D \le e] \cdot e\\ &= \mathbb{E}[Y(0)] + (\mu_1 - \mu_0) \cdot e\\ &+ \int_0^e \mathbb{E}[U_1 - U_0| U_d = u_D] d u_D. \end{split} \]

LIV identifies MTE

  • By taking the derivatives with respect to \(e\), we have: \[ \begin{split} \tau_{liv}(e) &= \frac{\partial}{\partial e} \mathbb{E}[Y|e(Z) = e] \\ &= \mu_1 - \mu_0 + \mathbb{E}[U_1 - U_0| U_d = e] \\ &= \tau_{mte}(e). \end{split} \]


Set simulation parameters

N <- 1000
e <- 0.5
tau <- c(1, 2)

Generate potential outcomes

df_latent <-
      g = "nc",
      y_0 = rnorm(N),
      y_1 = tau[1] + rnorm(N)
      g = "co",
      y_0 = rnorm(N),
      y_1 = tau[2] + rnorm(N)
## # A tibble: 2,000 x 3
##    g        y_0    y_1
##    <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 nc    -0.626  2.13 
##  2 nc     0.184  2.11 
##  3 nc    -0.836  0.129
##  4 nc     1.60   1.21 
##  5 nc     0.330  1.07 
##  6 nc    -0.820 -0.663
##  7 nc     0.487  1.81 
##  8 nc     0.738 -0.912
##  9 nc     0.576 -0.247
## 10 nc    -0.305  2.00 
## # ... with 1,990 more rows

Check the estimand

df_latent %>%
  dplyr::filter(g == "co") %>%
  dplyr::summarise(mean(y_1) - mean(y_0))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##   `mean(y_1) - mean(y_0)`
##                     <dbl>
## 1                    2.00

Assign treatment

df_latent <-
  df_latent %>%
  dplyr::mutate(z = (runif(length(g)) < e))
## # A tibble: 2,000 x 4
##    g        y_0    y_1 z    
##    <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl> <lgl>
##  1 nc    -0.626  2.13  TRUE 
##  2 nc     0.184  2.11  TRUE 
##  3 nc    -0.836  0.129 FALSE
##  4 nc     1.60   1.21  TRUE 
##  5 nc     0.330  1.07  FALSE
##  6 nc    -0.820 -0.663 TRUE 
##  7 nc     0.487  1.81  TRUE 
##  8 nc     0.738 -0.912 TRUE 
##  9 nc     0.576 -0.247 TRUE 
## 10 nc    -0.305  2.00  FALSE
## # ... with 1,990 more rows

Treatment receipt status

df_latent <-
  df_latent %>%
    w = ifelse(
      g == "nc",
## # A tibble: 2,000 x 5
##    g        y_0    y_1 z     w    
##    <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl> <lgl> <lgl>
##  1 nc    -0.626  2.13  TRUE  FALSE
##  2 nc     0.184  2.11  TRUE  FALSE
##  3 nc    -0.836  0.129 FALSE FALSE
##  4 nc     1.60   1.21  TRUE  FALSE
##  5 nc     0.330  1.07  FALSE FALSE
##  6 nc    -0.820 -0.663 TRUE  FALSE
##  7 nc     0.487  1.81  TRUE  FALSE
##  8 nc     0.738 -0.912 TRUE  FALSE
##  9 nc     0.576 -0.247 TRUE  FALSE
## 10 nc    -0.305  2.00  FALSE FALSE
## # ... with 1,990 more rows

Generate observed outcome and assignment

df_observed <-
  df_latent %>%
  dplyr::mutate(y = y_0 * (1 - w) + y_1 * w) %>%
  dplyr::select(y, z, w)
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##        y z     w    
##    <dbl> <lgl> <lgl>
## 1 -0.626 TRUE  FALSE
## 2  0.184 TRUE  FALSE
## 3 -0.836 FALSE FALSE
## 4  1.60  TRUE  FALSE
## 5  0.330 FALSE FALSE
## 6 -0.820 TRUE  FALSE

Estimate \(ITT_W\) manually

itt_w <-
  df_observed %>%
  dplyr::filter(z == 1) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(w = sum(w) / length(w)) %>%
## [1] 0.5024777

Estimate \(ITT_W\) by a least squares method

df_observed %>%
    data = .,
    formula = w ~ z
  ) %>%
  modelsummary(fmt = 6)
Model 1
(Intercept) 0.000000
zTRUE 0.502478
Num.Obs. 2000
R2 0.334
R2 Adj. 0.333
AIC 1540.7
BIC 1557.5
Log.Lik. -767.371
F 999.870

Estimate \(ITT_Y\) manually

itt_y <-
  df_observed %>%
  dplyr::group_by(z) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(y = mean(y)) %>%
  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::summarise(y = sum(y * z) - sum(y * (1 - z))) %>%
## [1] 1.014518

Estimate \(ITT_Y\) by a least squares method

df_observed %>%
    data = .,
    formula = y ~ z
  ) %>%
  modelsummary(fmt = 6)
Model 1
(Intercept) 0.007606
zTRUE 1.014518
Num.Obs. 2000
R2 0.136
R2 Adj. 0.136
AIC 6657.7
BIC 6674.5
Log.Lik. -3325.828
F 315.577

Estimate \(ITT_{Y, co} = \tau_{late}\) manually

tau_late <-
  itt_y / itt_w
## [1] 2.019031

Estimate \(ITT_{Y, co} = \tau_{late}\) by 2SLS

df_observed %>%
    data = .,
    formula = y ~ w | z
  ) %>%
  modelsummary(fmt = 6)
Model 1
(Intercept) 0.007606
wTRUE 2.019031
Num.Obs. 2000
R2 0.421
R2 Adj. 0.420
se_type HC2


  • Chapter 23-24, Guido W. Imbens and Donald B. Rubin, 2015, Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences, Cambridge University Press.
  • Section 9, Athey, Susan, and Guido Imbens. 2016. “The Econometrics of Randomized Experiments.” arXiv [stat.ME]. arXiv.